Writing Wednesday: Writing About Summer

This week, we featured Nikki Giovanni’s poem “Knoxville, Tennessee.” In the poem, Giovanni lists out many of the images that she loves about summer.

For today’s writing exercise, we challenge you to write about YOUR favorite parts of summer. You can write a poem or you can write prose. (If you don’t know what prose is, it’s writing that is not a poem—think about what you might read in a book or a newspaper.)



To get started, pick a favorite summer memory. Then, brainstorm some strong images from that memory and use them to tell us the story!



While you’re writing, try to remember the cardinal rule of writing:


What that means is that instead of just telling your reader that it is hot, show them by describing how your ice cream is melting or how sweaty your little brother is!



When you’ve finished, feel free to share a snippet of your writing in the comments here or on our Facebook page!

(If you’re having some trouble, reach out to us on Facebook, Twitter, or email! We love to hear from you, and we are happy to help!)


Fine Arts Friday: Stepping into Summer


Poetry Monday: Knoxville, Tennessee