Fine Arts Friday: Stepping into Summer
This week’s activities have been all about summer and our favorite parts of it! For today’s Fine Arts Friday activity, we want you to think of…
…a place that screams summer!
It might be the beach, your grandma’s pool, a trail in the woods, or your backyard. Doesn’t matter where, as long as it means SUMMER to you.
Thought of a place? Good!
Now go there, and take a picture of your FEET in that place.
(Even Nikki Giovanni wrote about her feet in the summer! If you didn’t get a chance to read our poem of the week, you can read it here!)
My family likes to go on outdoor adventures in the summer, so my stepdaughter graciously let me take a picture of her dangling her feet over this drop at Purgatory Chasm!
Once you’ve taken a picture, share it with us! You can post it in the comments here or on our Facebook page, tag us on twitter @hornpondreview, or email us at!