Writing Wednesday: Summer Haiku
On Monday, we read some versions of Matsuo Basho’s famous haiku. Because haiku usually deals with something in nature, there is often a focus on one of the four seasons.
So, today, your challenge is to write a summer haiku!
Some modern haiku writers ignore the syllable rule, but we challenge you to try to stay within the traditional pattern. If you don’t remember from Monday, it is:
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
You should also remember that haiku focuses on one moment in time and uses strong imagery.
Imagine one moment from this summer or last summer.
Then, to help you with imagery, think about your five senses. In that moment, what did you…
You don’t have to use all five, but try to use two or three!
It might be challenging to fit all that in just seventeen syllables, but we know you can do it! Remember, good poetry usually takes a few drafts!
When you’ve finished your haiku, post it in the comments here or on Facebook or send it to us at hornpondreview@gmail.com!
Special Fine Arts Friday Announcement!
Three of our editors—Dorrie, Ellen, & Emery—will be hosting this week’s Fine Arts Friday activity! Join us at Horn Pond for a masked & socially-distant frog craft on Friday (7/31/20) at 10:30am! Find out more information here.